Saturday, 14 February 2009

Le 6 novembre 2008, lors d'un reveil nocture, il me prends l'envie de tester quelque chose. Le test est POSITIF!!! Il est 3h40 du matin. Le futur papa ouvre un demi oeil tres content. Si si! L'oeil s'est ouvert, l'appareil photo ne s'est juste pas declanche au bon momen! :-)

On the 6th of november 2008, during a night awakeness, I feel like testing something. The test is POSITIF!! It's 3h30 in the morning. The future dad open a very happy half-eye. The camera was not fast enough but the eye did open! :-)

1 comment:

  1. I was there! (well, not at 3h40 am, but I was in the UK) It's a sign, you should call him/her Melano/Melanie.
    You don't want to go against the sign!! :D
