Saturday, 14 February 2009

Je souhaiterais maintenant interrompre l'histoire afin de rendre hommage a Marje, ma pour- toujours bien aimee Rover Kesington qui nous quitta le 15 janvier 2007. Je garde un souvenir emu et reconnaissant, de cette semaine en Ecosse ou elle transporta mes parents,mon petit frere, moi ainsi que nos bagages et ce au plus grand bonheur et confort de tous. :-)

At this point, I would like to interrupt the story to pay tribute to Marj, my forever beloved Rover Kesington who left us on the 15th of January 2007. I will keep a thankfull and mooved remember of this week in Scotland where she carried my parents, my little brother, me and our luggage providing us all with hapiness and comfort. :-)

1 comment:

  1. No comment from Melanie on this one !!!
    I think the emotion was too big :-)
